Private Campground
16+ acres on beautiful Bob's Lake. Cottage/trailer rental. Safe beach. Pontoon and fishing boat rentals. Great fishing. Featuring Titan, our water trampoline.
Horseshoes, Fishing, Boat rental (motorized), Motorboats allowed, Swimming (lake, river)
55 km N on Hwy 38 from Kingston, 6 km on Fish Creek Rd. Ottawa: 1.5 hours. Do not use GPS or Google maps. From Toronto, take exit 611 off 401 E to Hwy 38. Straight N on 38 to Fish Creek Rd. Turn R on Fish Creek Rd, follow signs 6 km to Green Bay Rd, L on Green Bay Rd, 1/2 km to Sunset Country Campground. Alternatively, you can come in off Hwy 38 at Godfrey, take first Westport Rd to Buck Bay Rd, follow right to the campground, no turns and paved all but last 1/2 km.
Phone: 613-375-6649
Toll Free: 866-375-6649
Facebook: SunsetCountryCampground
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